




联 系 人 :徐佳 联系电话:15027098326


酷特化工有限公司(Coat Chemical Co.,Ltd)是专业的化工产品生产与供应商。酷特化工有限公司专业致力于高性能化工溶剂,固化剂和各类添加剂的研发、生产和销售。公司坐落于华南名城广州市,在武汉,重庆及上海建有分支结构,服务当地市场。拥有一批以归国博士为领导的高技术人才,科研与检测人员均为本科以上学历,公司依托华南理工大学等高校,发挥自身科研与技术优势,致力于高性能,高技术的环保型产品的研究与推广。目前,公司产品涉及各类活性稀释剂,汽车养护产品,固化剂等品系,共计7大类40余种产品。公司确立以华南为基地辐射全国的生产与销售模式,公司全力推进绿色工业技术的进步为己任,积极推广环保产品,提升自身市场效益及环境效益,为社会的可持续发展贡献自己的力量。酷特化工有限公司本着“以质量求生存,以品质求发展,一切为了用户,一切服务于用户”的经营理念,以稳健、积极的开拓创新精神,依托强大的团队力量,并且以客户需求为向导,为客户提供优质的产品与服务。Coat Chemical Co.,Ltd is a fine chemical company, which is professional in environmental protected solvent ,thinner and curing agent. Coat Chemical Co.,Ltd was found at 2008, located in Guangzhou city, Guangdong province. It now has 2000㎡ workshop, 300㎡ experiments and testing organizations. It also has brounch in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, focusing on the local market. Coat Chemical Co.,Ltd has senior engineers and experts for research, test and application. Most staffs of technical department have bachelor degree, some are even higher. Now it has thinner for kinds of resin such as PU, Epoxy and Am. Since the company was incepted, it committed to research and to develop green, environmental friendly products. As a result, halogen free Epoxy resin thinner and benzyl free NC thinner, which are welcomed by the customers, are the high technology products for the company.A green industry company as Coat Chemical Co.,Ltd, to develop environmentally friendly products, to provide high quality products to the customers and to offer better service to the customers is the company’s responsibility, It has creative research team and powerful group for manufactory and sale.

广州酷特化工有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有广州酷特化工有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由广州酷特化工有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。